It’s taken me a little while to get around to blogging some of my weddings……. ok, who am I kidding, MANY of my weddings and this one is from a little while ago. My couple had a church wedding in Sussex just a stones throw from my Brides parents house and then the field that […]
This beautiful Glynde Place wedding took place on a scorching hot summers day – as seems to be the case every time I’m at Glynde …… just saying! 😉 hahaha My lovely bride S got ready at her parents house on the Brighton Sea front which was a treat for me to get to see […]
THE PARTY The party at the Party Field – what better named field for a party than this one! My couple had their legal ceremony the day before at Brighton Town Hall with a small group of immediate family and friends. I also covered a couple of hours for them and will also blog this […]
Location variety is the spice of life ……. for a Documentary Wedding Photographer I am always excited when I get enquiries for weddings that are being held at a parents or friends houses as I find they’re usually so relaxed and laid back which suits me and my style perfectly. It also means I’m getting […]
Your Wedding Your Way! Well now …… I do pretty much get excited at most of my wedding enquiries as the couples I seem to attract are interested in having weddings that really reflect their relationships, lifestyle and interests and are very much individual and personal to the couple, often with a certain amount of […]