Looking for Southlands Barn Wedding inspiration?

If you are planning your Southlands Barn wedding this post might help with some ideas from both the photographers point of view and as a couple. If you would like to know who some of their amazing suppliers were, they are listed at the bottom of my post. Please let them know how you heard […]

Lewes Barn Wedding

Build it and they will come Well, what can I say about this extreme DIY wedding just outside Lewes in East Sussex. ………. when I say extreme DIY, I mean my couple J&T BUILT the BARN themselves!!! Yup!! You heard me! And along side building this barn for their wedding they also started renovating and […]

The Secret Barn in West Sussex.

A laid back English wedding in the heart of the Sussex countryside. It was the perfect summers day for this laid back intimate blessing lead by one of Katie’s brothers. They had already had their formal legal ceremony abroad but wanted a day to share with friends and family back home in England. The Secret […]