Sussex Farm Wedding at home.

Location variety is the spice of life ……. for a Documentary Wedding Photographer I am always excited when I get enquiries for weddings that are being held at a parents or friends houses as I find they’re usually so relaxed and laid back which suits me and my style perfectly. It also means I’m getting […]

Retro inspired quirky wedding

“Keep your face always towards the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you” That is the beautiful inscription hand written inside a vintage autograph book that Jane found and thought would make the most perfect guest book for their wedding. It has since become one of my most favourite sayings ever! I had a […]

Anita’s Choora / Bangle ceremony

Anita’s bangle ceremony took place at home the day before the wedding. It was a mixture of fun, family, friends, laughter, music, dancing, traditions and food but also a sense of sadness and high emotion especially for the Bride and her close family. The bangle ceremony and related traditions primarily involves the Brides maternal family. […]